

All staff are directed to check that any non-employee adult on campus has a visitor's pass. Any adult on campus without a pass will be redirected to the office to sign in and obtain a pass. 


Adults are expected to conduct themselves appropriately for an elementary school site (ie: appropriate language, attire, and behavior). Any adult displaying inappropriate behavior and/or If at any time a parent or guardian uses a threatening tone, gesture or words, leaves a threatening voicemail or sends an email that is considered hostile verbally or physically, or uses profanity towards any staff member and/or around students, they will be directed to leave the premises. campus immediately.

Visits by Parents/Guardians

We welcome parents/guardians and encourage you  to visit students' classrooms.

  • To assure continuity and integrity of instruction, parents interested in visiting classrooms shall contact the teacher of the class a minimum of 24 hours in advance to schedule a mutually acceptable time for the visit.

  • All visitors must log their visit and obtain a name badge that must be worn for the entire visit. Upon departure visitors must also sign out.

  • Upon request of the teacher, the principal or designee shall accompany the visitor during the observation.

  • Parent/guardian visitations and observations are typically limited up to one (1) hour. If a parent/guardian wishes to visit for longer than one hour, permission to do so must be granted by the principal.

  • Observations and visitations must not be disruptive to instruction. If a visitor wishes to discuss his/her observations with the teacher, arrangements to do so must be made outside of instructional time.

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